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Iterations of project promotion

We differ from competitors in that we make exclusively "white" promotion (article promotion with perpetual links), it consists of a large list of works and requires a lot of experience, but after the promotion, the site not only retains the positions typed, but even continues to improve them. Website promotion in our company consists of the following stages:

SRM-audit. At this stage, the structure, uniqueness and quality of content, usability, current positions in search engines are analyzed in detail, the correct distribution of the link mass of the site. On the basis of the received data the plan of works on internal and external SCRM-optimization is made.

Internal SEO-optimization. Самый важный этап продвижения, который служит фундаментом для всех последующих работ. Составляется семантическое ядро проекта, оптимизируется контент под ключевые фразы, при необходимости корректируется структура сайта и производится внутренняя перелинковка. Только после выполнения всех перечисленных работ (в среднем это занимает не одну рабочую неделю) мы приступаем к внешней seo-оптимизации.

External SEO optimization and content filling. This stage is the main one and works on it are performed for the rest of the term promotion. Every month we place unique articles on the site for promotion on medium- and low-frequency queries (especially relevant for young sites), that allows to achieve attraction of potential clients in 1-2 months after the beginning of advancement. In addition, we regularly build a quality link mass on the site, which increases the confidence of the site in search engines.

Despite the impressive set of works, the smooth process of promotion allows us to keep prices affordable.

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